Baking Workshops
Mini-Baker Workshops
Age 3+ | 2 Hours | Baby Siblings and Toddlers Welcome
During these short workshops, the children work in pairs or groups of three to make buttercream. Following a theme they then decorate homemade cupcakes or biscuits using buttercream, sugarpaste and other edible decorations. To complete their workshop, the children will use craft materials to decorate a presentation box to take their bakes home in.
These short workshops take place in my farmhouse kitchen, adults can either join in and help their child or enjoy a coffee whilst their child is busy baking.

Half Day Workshops
Age 7-15 | Usually 3 Hours
The children will begin their workshop by baking, in pairs or groups of three, chocolate chip cookies, biscuits or a tray bake. With help, they will follow a written recipe and will be taught to use specialist baking equipment and techniques, such as separating an egg yolk and white. They will also bake their own snack! The children will then make icing and learn various piping and sugarcraft techniques to decorate homemade cupcakes. To complete their workshop, the children will use craft materials to decorate a presentation box to take their bakes home in.

Full Day Workshops
Age 7-15 | Usually 6 Hours
The children will spend their morning making cupcakes and biscuits or cookies. With help, they will follow a written recipe and will be taught to use specialist baking equipment and techniques, such as separating an egg yolk and white. They will also bake their own snack! After lunch, the children will make icing and learn various piping and sugarcraft techniques to decorate their bakes. To complete their workshop, the children will use craft materials to decorate a presentation box to take their bakes home in.

Adults & Teenagers
Baking and cooking demos and workshops for teenagers and adults coming soon…
If you would like to discuss hosting or organising a workshop or demo for teenagers or adults please contact me on: 07759481292 or email me at: